DATE: 30.Nov.2022

How to Select Hooks with Forest Spoons – Tetsuya Ikeya –

At the end of November, when the water temperature was becoming suitable for area game, we went to Higashiyamako Fishing Area with Tetsuya Ikeya, a Vanfook Field Staff member, for the stocking day.
Unfortunately, it was raining in the morning and the fishing was not very good…

Slowly reeled and caught a few at a time…



The weather gradually improved, and when the stocking started, we started catching fish in rapid succession!
We enjoyed fishing for about 2 hours.

During the stocking hunt, Tetsuya Ikeya was using a special lure selection to capture large pond stockings such as those in Lake Higashiyama.
We asked him about his Forest spoon selection and hook setting for large ponds.


“Front Lake” 4.0g for flying farther and attracting fish from farther away


After the stocking, we selected the Front Lake 4.0g spoon for native trout to cast farther to the pier area in this pond to attract fish from a wider area.
SP-31F size #5 was selected because it often produces a series of good hits and often contains large fish.

This is a size of lure that is not often selected in general trout area ponds in Japan, but it has become a must-have spoon for catching fish at the stocking and un-fished spot in Lake Higashiyama.
It may seem like too aggressive a choice, but anglers who attack the stocking in Lake Higashiyama often have better results if they are aggressive.


MIU 3.5 g is the basic weight for the Lake Higashiyama stocking time


The 3.5 g MIU is the basic weight for the Lake Higashiyama stocking time, and the SP-31F size #5 hook was selected as in the Front Lake.
The lure works well in Lake Higashiyama, where fish often migrate near the bottom due to it can sink quickly to the bottom while at the same time gaining distance.
Although it is a strong moving lure, its action is a little weaker than that of Front Lake.


Factor 1.8g, the staple spoon of Lake Higashiyama for reeling.


When the situation calmed down after stocking or first thing in the morning, he used to reel up the spoon, a staple of Lake Higashiyama.
It is very effective mainly during low water temperatures, but it is a method of reeling that is used extensively throughout the season for spooning in Lake Higashiyama.

The basic spoon is Factor 1.8 g. From there, he lighten the weight or change the action depending on the fish. SP-21F size #6 is selected for the 1.8g Factor so that it can be used from low activity to high activity.


After the stocking time calmed down, we got a hit on the reeling.


In the afternoon, the wind became stronger and it was very difficult for spooning.
We had to leave the fishing at around 3:00 p.m. because it was extremely cold, partly due to the rain we had received in the morning.




Trout area game will continue to get better and better as the season progresses.
Please use his lure selections in this theme to capture the large pound stocking time.



RodUltima Contact 61ML
ReelVanquish C2000S
LineNylon 2.5 Lb.




Higashiyamako Fishing Area
One of the largest trout area in Japan. With an overwhelming beautiful sight of Mt. Fuji, anglers can enjoy fishing in numbers of catch and targeting large ones due to a lot of fish stocked.

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