In pursuit of the ideal hooks that anglers seek, Vanfook has developed a lineup of hooks specifically designed for native trout, in order to have fantastic encounters with the fish in the vast fields.
For Plug
PLB-49FPlugging SingleMedium WireMicro Barb
Plugging Single Medium Wire Micro Barb
PLB-41BPlugging SingleMedium WireBarbless
Plugging Single Medium Wire Barbless
PLB-59FPlugging SingleHeavy Wire
Plugging Single Heavy Wire
PL-51BPlugging SingleHeavy WireBarbless
Plugging Single Heavy Wire Barbless
MEB-41FMinnow ExperthookMedium Heavy WireMicro Barb
Minnow Experthook Medium Heavy Micro Barb
Drifthook Allround
DRS-40FDrifthookFine Wire
Drifthook Fine
For Spoon
SPB-41BSpoon ExperthookMedium HeavyMicro Barb
Spoon Experthook Medium Heavy Micro Barb
SPB-41FSpoon ExperthookMedium HeavyMicro Barb with PTFE
Spoon Experthook Medium Heavy Micro Barb with PTFE
SPB-61FSpoon ExperthookExtra Heavy
Spoon Experthook Extra Heavy
TD-31B / RTwin Dancer
Twin Dancer
TD-41BTwin Dancer Heavy
Twin Dancer Heavy
RT-31BRinged Twin Dancer
Ringed Twin Dancer
LSP-40FSpoon Experthook LoopMicro Barb
Spoon Experthook Loop Micro Barb
CR-C60 / CR-C80Crochet CTSurface Coating
Crochet CT Surface Coating
CR-F80 / CR-F100Crochet FCFluorocarbon
Crochet FC Fluorocarbon
Drifthook Fine Materials
Drifthook Allround Materials
DRB-66FDrifthookPlug Heavy
Drifthook Plug Heavy